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eComStation article on livingwithoutmicrosoft.org

2001-11-12 02:49:55 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS]

Fr. Andrew Wm. Graham has posted an article here. It might help if other users go there and add their thoughts and comments as well. The site requires registration to post.

eComStation Tour

2001-11-12 02:46:51 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS, Filip Molcan]

On OS/2.cz, there is a new section - ECS Tour - it contains some new pictures of eComStation. Look at this great operating system!

OS/2 mentioned at osOpinion

2001-11-03 20:09:55 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS, Leonardo Pino]

There is an article at osOpinion, by Tom Nadeau. Funny and clever, check it out at:

Survey: 'Do you need russian eComStation?' (for russian users only)

2001-11-02 01:21:01 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [www.ecomstation.ru, Eugene Gorbunoff]

www.eComStation.Ru presents new survey "Do you need russian eComStation?":
To support this survey we created forum. Make your comments and suggestions here.

IBM has updated the UDF.IFS for CD-RW, DVD-ROM and DVD-RAM File System Support

2001-10-18 20:29:08 -- Igor Vanin [VOICENWS, Klaus Staedtler]

You need a software choice subscription to download the driver. URL: http://service5.boulder.ibm.com/2bcprod.nsf/4eddaa42e99c19e186256a700058020a/4b2e6f2261265d6d86256a810069fe2b?OpenDocument.

New kernels (1015) on IBM's testcase site

2001-10-18 19:40:16 -- Igor Vanin [VOICENWS]

IBM has new SMP, UNI and W4 kernels available on their testcase FTP site - ftp://testcase.boulder.ibm.com/ps/fromibm/os2/

The xxxxxxd.zip archives are debug kernels. These replacement kernels are for post MCP/ACP/W4F15/eCS systems. Installation instructions and a listing of new features and fixes are included in the readme file included with each archive. Also note that these kernels contain a new CLOCK01.SYS. Please read the readme for details on how to use this.

There are also new versions of SES - ses1015.zip and files for the system Dump Formatting df1015.zip available in the same directory.

As always these are not officially supported by IBM unless they tell you to use them. Please send any followup to comp.os.os2.bugs on usenet. Also note that files are only on IBM's testcase for 2-3 days, so if you want to try these get them now. Make certain you back up any files replaced and don't try these on a production system. You have been warned. There is already a post on comp.os.os2.bugs about someone having a TRAP on boot with one of these new kernels. The SMP1015 kernel booted fine here on my eCS 1.0 test machine.

eCStacy Returns after month shutdown

2001-10-17 00:31:40 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.com, piggy]

eCStacy Returns after month shutdowneCStacy
has returned (in a more socially acceptable form)

There are now discussion forums online and everyone is invited to participate and help each other out.

We are still needing volunteers to participate with the upkeep and addition of new features of the site. We want to add software reviews, a searchable device driver archive that users are able to submit drivers themselves, more boot logos, more desktop backgrounds, bi-weekly articles on anything useful: java, installation of eCS, system customization, programming, tips and tricks. Please email to volunteer or if you have any ideas for the site. This isn't to be a personal site anymore. Let's make the eCS / OS/2 we wished existed.

OS/2 CONNECT - November 2001

2001-10-17 00:07:56 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [www.os2world.com, Tim Bryce]

OS/2 CONNECT is THE authoritative source for contact information in the universe of IBM's OS/2 32-bit operating system. The newsletter is implemented as a web page at: http://www.os2ss.com/connect/

Microsoft continues battle with OS/2, creating namesakes

2001-10-07 15:22:00 -- Deniska [eCSru space, Igor Vaskov]

New Microsoft operating system for Pocket PC is called Merlin! http://www.cnews.ru/news/comp/2001/10/04/20011004163024.shtml (russian edition).

An Opensource OS/2 Petition to IBM

2001-10-01 13:34:43 -- Igor Vanin [#os2russian, KuiSa-Ka]

One more petition to IBM. Think before subsribing it.
URL: http://www.petitiononline.com/OS24FREE/petition.html.

"Well, IBM joined Linux... If they *really* want support the OpenSource community they should relase the code of OS/2, due to their development stop. I think OS/2 source should give us many interesting knowledge, as we can revive the development scene around this cool OS."

German NLV version of eComStation delayed

2001-10-01 13:33:18 -- Igor Vanin [os2.org, Holger Hentschel]

Those who ordered the german version of the eComStation at Mensys have received a mail today stating that the delivery of the german versin of the eComStation is delayed until october.

SB Live! driver is updated to 0.80

2001-09-28 16:35:39 -- Deniska [www.ecomstation.ru, Deniska]

Sander van Leeuwen updated his driver for SB Live! familty cards.

New in version 0.80:

  • DAC mixer control added (for LBMix)
  • (Updates from Ruediger Ihle) Aux volume control fixed
  • Aux config.sys flag added
  • Warp 3 DART now works

URL: http://www.xs4all.nl/~sandervl/sbliveos2.zip

Ecomstation.ru news in portuguese language.

2001-09-28 01:16:51 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [www.ecomstation.ru]

Paulo Dias provides daily translation of ecomstation.ru news to portuguese language. If you have written an article in portuguese language then you can publish it in our site. Translation to another european languages in under testing and debugging.

Update of unnoficial fixes for OS/2

2001-09-25 15:28:34 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [#os2russian, VladG]

Update of unnoficial fixes for OS/2: http://www.yukos.bryansk.ru/testcase/index.html.

The OS2 World Award - 2001!

2001-09-25 15:25:30 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [www.os2world.com, kimh]

The official nomination process has started

We are happy to announce that the official nomination process has started and we will accept nomination between the 23 September until 7 October. The date for when the final voting will start has not yet been set and we will continuously post updated news about this.

URL: http://www.os2world.com/award.shtml.

New pmmerge.dll revision 14.78 on IBM

2001-09-25 15:17:38 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [#os2russian, OrgaNick]

Leak of memory in pmmerge.dll was fixed.
URL: ftp://testcase.boulder.ibm.com/ps/fromibm/os2/pj28164.zip

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