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Running Windows and Linux on eCS

2001-09-19 18:28:01 -- Igor Vanin [www.ecomstation.com, Bob St.John]

Bob St.John - director of business development in Serenity Systems made sensational announcement, which changes future of eComStation.

Intended to permit eCS users to run Windows and Linux on eCS and OS/2. Connectix, http://www.connectix.com, developers and publishers of Virtual PC for Windows, signed agreements with Serenity Systems and InnoTek on Friday, September 14, for the development, marketing, and sales of a virtual machine application.

The new application will be developed by InnoTek based on intellectual property from Connectix. The product will be marketed as an OS/2 application by both Serenity Systems and InnoTek, as well as an optional feature for eCS. It is anticipated that the application will include a Linux guest capability. Plans include support existing Windows licenses.

Serenity Systems anticipates reselling OS Packs from Connectix for users who require an authorized and supported distribution of Windows.

Bob St.John 
Director of Business Development 
Serenity Systems International 

Review of eComStation 1.0

2001-09-18 20:50:56 -- Igor Vanin [VOICENWS, Tom Nadeau]

The "Special Reports" section of OS/2 Headquarters (http://www.os2hq.com) now contains a Product Review of eComStation 1.0.

New kernels at IBM Testcase

2001-09-14 16:25:04 -- Deniska [#os2russian]

At IBM Testcase (ftp://testcase.boulder.ibm.com/ps/fromibm/os2/) there are kernels as of 14.09.2001. This is not very unusual, except for one thing.
These kernels have new function, which is controlled by CONFIG.SYS CLOCKSCALE variable. Using this function you can increase frequency on context switching in kernel. This should speed up several programs (according to readme). You also have to install enclosed CLOCK01.SYS to use this function.
Warp4 - ftp://testcase.boulder.ibm.com/ps/fromibm/os2/w40914.zip
Warp4.5x UNI - ftp://testcase.boulder.ibm.com/ps/fromibm/os2/uni0914.zip
Warp4.5x SMP - ftp://testcase.boulder.ibm.com/ps/fromibm/os2/smp0914.zip

Meta Clusters; OS Updates

2001-09-10 17:22:38 -- Igor Vanin [www.os2world.com]

Bill Nicholls has made favorable mention of OS/2 on byte.com again. He mentions the shipment of eCS 1.0, the Netscape and Mozilla updates, and a couple other tidibits. Thanks to Jon Schuck for the news.
URL: http://www.byte.com/documents/s=1141/byt20010820s0002/.

OS/2 Headquarters articles

2001-09-06 16:42:37 -- Igor Vanin [VOICENWS, OS/2 Headquarters]

OS/2 Headquarters (http://www.os2hq.com/) has posted the September 2001 edition of "The Warped Perspective," explaining the market-driven reasons why OS/2 is necessarily more stable and reliable than Microsoft products.

Do you want to have MultiUser eCS instead of Single user?

2001-09-03 20:42:30 -- Igor Vanin [www.ecomstation.com, Peter Brown]

If the answer is yes it may be worth your while to visit http://www.os2voice.org/VNL/past_issues/VNL0901H/vnewsf5.htm. To have a read about MultiDesk, a Multi User "add on" for OS/2 which allows every User to have their own Desktop, WarpCenter and Sound Schemes - click the link in the review to find out "How To" add the Mutli User Sound. While I have not tried it with eCS yet, having only just installed eCS, I think it should work without any problems barring any major differences in the INI file templates between the two systems.

eCS Getting Started Documentation

2001-09-03 04:26:52 -- Igor Vanin [www.ecomstation.com]

Mensys has released a documentation with tips on getting eCS installed, up and running.

http://www.ecomstation.nl/files/ecs-ga-pdf-a5.pdf as well as on the eComStation site at: http://www.ecomstation.com/docs/release1.0/ecs-ga-pdf-a5.pdf

PowerPC vs Wintel

2001-08-27 17:30:02 -- VOICENWS, Tom Nadeau

A Special Report has been posted at OS/2 Headquarters reviewing IBM's long-shot gambit to replace Wintel with PowerPC running OS/2 -- and how the failure of the PowerPC version of OS/2 led to IBM's current internal division over OS/2's future.

Фотографии дистрибутива eComStation 1.0

2001-08-27 17:12:14 -- #netlabs, Eugene Gorbunoff

Несколько дней назад продавцы Mensys распространили фотографии с изображением дистрибутива eComStation.

Warp Doctor Team IRC meetings

2001-08-27 17:02:10 -- VOICENWS, Jeremy Workman

This is just a short note to let everyone know that the Warp Doctor Team IRC meetings have been changed to Sunday's at 2:00 PM EDT, (18:00 GMT) thanks to everyone who participated in our poll! This will go into effect next Sunday (September, 2nd) since we already had our meeting for this week.

Meetings take place in #warpdoctor on the WEBBnet IRC network. For more on IRC and WEBBnet see http://www.os2voice.org/meetinginfo.html. To convert to other time zones you can use the Time Zone Converter at http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc

The new day and time was selected by input from a survey of Warp Doctor supporters. We hope that more people find this new day/time convenient and can attend these meetings. We need everyone's input and assistance to get this project up and running so that we may provide help and support to the OS/2 community. Warp Doctor is a VOICE project and funded by the VOICE membership dues. As with most of the VOICE resources, Warp Doctor will be freely available to all OS/2 users.

The objective of Warp Doctor is to support the information, software, and hardware needs of the OS/2 Community. Warp Doctor was conceived by Dr. Dirk Terrell, the late Dan Casey and others, as a replacement for the old Warp Pharmacy site. Warp Doctor will provide a support facility with the goal of assisting the OS/2 Community in efforts to resolve problems and provide guidance on system operation, tuning and selection. WarpDoctor will assist with resolving both hardware and software issues. In additon, WarpDoctor will assist with application installation and use.

Handbook eComStation 1.0

2001-08-23 19:02:09 -- VOICENWS, Klaus

At Mensys is the handbook for eComStation 1.0 available for download.

URL: http://www.ecomstation.nl/files/ecs-ga-pdf-a5.pdf

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