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OS/2 user base to grow in seven months

2002-01-25 02:58:13 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [www.os2world.com]

This message arrived from Timur Tabi one month ago! (12/20/01)

"I have good news and bad news:

The good news is that the OS/2 user base will actually grow in seven months. The bad news is that it will be by only one person.

But that's really good news, but that one person will be my first child! Yes, that's right everyone: I finally figured out how to get my wife pregnant! (Previous attempts resulted in output buffer underflows - ha!) We don't know yet what the gernder of the child is, but I was thinking of naming it "Merlin" if it's a boy.

p.s. The expected delivery date is mid July."

German eComStation Shipped

2002-01-22 08:19:40 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [www.ecomstation.com, Joachim Benjamins]

Mensys is pleased to announce the German version of eComStation has finally shipped to all customers. You should receive your package within the next few days. If you did receive an email with registration key, you can see when and to which address your order has been shipped in that email.

Please contact us at ecs-reg@ecomstation.nl if you did not receive anything yet.

Mensys and Serenity Systems wish to thank everyone for their patience.

eComStation.Ru provides localization of foreign software

2002-01-22 08:14:08 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [www.ecomstation.ru]

eComStation.Ru is ready to localize your product for usage in exUSSR. Contact us is you have any requirements.

An interview related to SOM and WPS

2002-01-19 02:33:45 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [www.ecomstation.ru]

Joseph Shrago talks about SOM. Why and when to use it for development of software. Some examples of success usage. (russian text)

IBM 'swamped by OS/2 demand'

2002-01-15 02:23:00 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [www.os2world.com, Mathias Neuhaus]

This article talks about IBM having problems to supply the OS/2 Convenience Pack 2 demand.

eCS German Shipping (Mensys report)

2002-01-04 21:12:00 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS, Roderick Klein]

The shipping of eCS German has started on 2001/12/31 and will be completed by 2002/01/12. Its a quite large amount of CD's we need to process and we are processing everything as fast as possible. Thank you all for your patience.


Convenience Pack 2

2001-12-30 01:16:06 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [www.os2bbs.com:80/os2news/, svobi]

Serenity Systems has a listing of the new features. IBM has supplied additional notes about the new version (4.52)

Convenience Pack 2 went GA on December 17, 2001. It will be shipped to all customers with Software Choice subscriptions.

It comes with:

  • the IBM Web Browser for OS/2 v1.1 (based on Mozilla),
  • Java 1.1.8 and 1.3,
  • the latest USB, UDF/DVD and COM drivers,
  • and the latest kernel fixes, including the new ALT+F4 feature that pauses before each DEVICE, IFS, CALL and RUN statement in the CONFIG.SYS file.

eCS available from BMT Micro

2001-12-27 12:00:27 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS, Frank Berke]

eComStation is now available from BMT Micro too. They offer both, upgrade and full version, however there's no info on NLVs.

Additional info about Convenience Packages

2001-12-27 11:58:35 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ VOICENWS]

These are latest README items available at this time, please check back often as these files will be updated as additional information becomes available.

Convenience Package 1

Convenience Package 2

The December issue of the OS/2 eZine

2001-12-17 18:00:19 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS, Robert Basler]

Homepage of OS/2 eZine is here IN THIS ISSUE:

  • From The Editor -- Robert Basler
  • Editorial
    • A New Year's Resolution for the eZine Reader -- Robert Basler
    • Can You Really Get There From Here? -- Pete Grubbs considers the press' effect on the OS/2 community.
  • Articles
    • GCC 3.0.2 - Installation, Usage and Tips -- Platon Fomichev & Andrew Zabolotny talk about this new OS/2 compiler.
    • IBM's OS/2 Accomplishments in 2001 -- David T. Johnson thinks it has been a pretty good year.
    • Why Won't IBM Fix My Bugs -- Isaac Leung looks at the reasons.
    • 20 Questions with Joachim Benjamins of Mensys -- Pete Grubbs brings back another interview from Warpstock.
    • A Cool OS/2 Feature: LIBPATHSTRICT -- Robert Basler - who says OS/2 doesn't have the latest features?
    • ODBC on OS/2 Part 8 -- Douglas Clark ends the section on drivers and databases with a look at MySQL, miniSQL, Ingres and Informix.
    • ODBC on OS/2 Part 9 -- Douglas Clark starts a new section on ODBC programming.
    • Into Java, Part 23 -- Simon Gronlund ends this series by building a client for his chat server.

eComStation GA (German) to ship in december

2001-12-12 04:16:06 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS, Markus]

"eComStation GA German will ship in the last week of December". This information is provided by Mensys.

December 'Warped Perspective'

2001-12-11 23:28:43 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS, Phil]

Tom Nadeau's December 'Warped Perspective' is online.

News from OS2.Ru

2001-12-10 00:46:58 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [www.os2.ru]

Opening of WarpZilla forum.
The site contains some info related to different versions of OS/2 operating system, including readme of MCP2.

Review of eComStation in OSNews

2001-12-05 17:45:22 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS, Bjorn]

OSNews has a review of eCS.

News from os2.ru

2001-12-01 11:40:22 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [#os2russian, OS2OK]

Short story how to make mozilla-irc work properly in russian irc-channels.
Russian TTF fonts in OS/2

Russian version of eComStation

2001-11-18 21:01:40 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [eCS/rus project, Eugene Gorbunoff]

The first step of localization is completed.

This message is local and can't be retelled in foreign sites. Administration of ecomstation.ru asked Serenity Systems to develop russian version of eComStation. The process was started some monthes ago. Russian users are equal members of OS/2 community and their activity will be of great use.

We invite russian users to join the process and discuss contents of the CD3. Forum:

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