НОВОЕ: OS/2 GURU - Вопросы и ответы

Reviews / articles about OS/2

Operating systems:
ArcaOS, eComStation, IBM OS/2 Warp
eComStation myths 





ArcaOS 5.0 Russian
Russian ARCAOS exists and it's available since the middle of 2017. All versions are supported: 5.0, 5.0.1, 5.0.2.

eCo Software is able release OS/2 LIP packages for any other language (German, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Sweden, etc)

An Introduction to Security

TITLE: An Introduction to Security

DATE: 2002-01-19 20:14:30

AUTHOR: Andrei A. Porodko
Please use online translator
go to http://translate.google.com
and request the translation of http://ru.ecomstation./projects/reviews/index.php?id=41
to your language

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.......... .... ....... ...... ....... ..... . ....... . ....... .. ...... ........ - .........., .......... . .........., ..... ... pkzip . arj. .., ... ....... .............. ...... ........, . .. ............ ....... ....... ......, .. ... ..... ...... . .. ...... ...... .... .......... ... ....... ........, ............ . ......... ..... . ........ \MySecretData:

D:\>pkzip /add /password=MyPassword MySecretData MySecretData\*
PKZIP(R)  Version 2.50  FAST!  Compression Utility for OS/2  5-1-1997
Copyright 1989-1997 PKWARE Inc.  All Rights Reserved. Shareware Version
PKZIP Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off.  Patent No. 5,051,745

 Encrypting files
 Using 204 compatible compression method
 Using compression level 5 - Default

Creating .ZIP: MySecretData.zip
  Adding File: description.lwp Deflating (16.9%), Encrypting, done.
  Adding File: Normal.dot      Deflating (86.4%), Encrypting, done.
  Adding File: os2mini.html    Deflating (65.2%), Encrypting, done.
  Adding File: svidet.gif      Storing   ( 0.0%), Encrypting, done.

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Cipher-...... ... NetDrive .......... ....... ............ .........., . ... ..... . ..........., ..... ... Blowfish . Rijndael (. ......... ......). ...... Cipher ......... ......... ..... ......... ... ......... ....... ..........

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........... ..........

. ......... .... ........ . ............. .. .........., . ...... ....... ....., ....... ....... . ........ 'Comprehensive Security Guide for eCS user' ;-)

.....: ...... ........

.......... .......: http://www.os2ezine.com/20020116/page_9.html

Test the program:

General network utilities - universal tools to maintain local network.


2002-01-20 03:33:38

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2002-01-20 04:07:19

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. ....... .... ...... ........... ......., ........ ..... .......... - ... AEFS - ........ ....... .. .... AES.

.. (...... . ......... ........) ..... ..... .....:


2002-01-20 12:10:52

to ..p...: .... ........... ..... ... ........, ... ..p.. ......... .p......... .... ...... ....

.... ... ..2 . ....p.... .. hobbes.nmsu.edu

to RElf: Cipher-plugin-. ....p... ..... ... .. ....... nickk'.. ;)

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to Porro: zip .. ..... .... . .. ........, ... .p............. ..... ...... . ...p.... ....... .. ..... ..p.....

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Eugene Gorbunoff
2002-01-20 13:36:35

2 zuko: ...... ..... .. [e-mail]

2002-01-20 15:04:14

2 zuko: .. ... ....... .. ... .... .. ....... ............ .......: "...... ... ............, .... ..... .. ..... ..... - ... ...-.. ... ..... . ........"

. AEFS .... ... .... ........... ........... - ... .......... ;-)

eComStation 2.0 supports computers with ATOM, i3/i5/i7 + What about modern fresh transparent icons? You need Sunny icons..



(C) OS2.GURU 2001-2021