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The 3-rd generation of eComStation

2011-12-09 16:28:17 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

What do you expect from the 3-rd generation of eComStation? Post your suggestions via web-form

Norwegian and Spanish LIP

2011-12-08 21:19:41 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

(LIP - Language Interface package)

Norwegian and Spanish Language Interface Packages are updated. Apply the package and make a screenshot!

LIP homepage.

Available packages: Spanish, Russian, Norwegian and Swedish.

For translators: (RUS) how to translate eCS / IBM / OS/2 applications?

For developers: Please use LANGE library to simplify the translation of your program to other languages: LANGE homepage

Spanish and Swedish LIP packs

2011-11-24 23:10:28 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

(LIP - Language Interface Pack)

How to attract new users to eComStation? One of the requirements - it's necessary translate the UI to other languages.

eCo Software starts work on Language Interface Packs project. If you want translate the User Interface of eComStation to your native language, contact us and we help you initiate this project.

eComStation should be translated to:

  • English (International) - OK
  • German - OK
  • Japanese
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Tradional Chinese
  • Swedish
  • Dutch
  • Italian
  • Russian - OK
  • Spanish
  • Danish
  • French

Contacts: web-form, maintainer: Yuri Larin

Current state: you can request the 1-st version of

  • Spanish LIP package (Language Interface Pack)
  • Swedish LIP package

For developers: Please use LANGE library to simplify the translation of your program to other languages: LANGE homepage

Suggestions for the 3-rd generation of eComStation

2011-11-05 23:15:06 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

What do you expect from the next generation of eComStation? eCo Software offers sort the priorities: The third generation of eComStation

What are the needs of your company? Do you have questions regarding the next generation of eComStation? We are ready collect and pass your questions to Mensys BV (the company responsible for eComStation). web-form for suggestions

Solutions based on eComStation

2011-11-04 00:13:10 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eComStation is an international product, we continue to collect list of Solutions and large customers: Solutions page

How does your company use eComStation or IBM OS/2 Warp? Please share this information else it's difficult to promote eComStation and protect your investments made into the platform.

Eugene Gorbunoff talks about eComStation

2011-10-24 04:34:46 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Short interview What's New in eComStation World?

You can quote part of the text at other site and add link to full text.

More interesting interviews with eCS / OS/2 developers - Community site

eComStation 2.1: share your experience

2011-10-24 02:15:46 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eCS 2.1 was released in the spring, Pay attention to some of new features of eComStation 2.1:

Share your experience:

Don't forget:

  • How to activate New File Open Container?
  • eCS 2.1 is equipped with AHCI driver. But test Danis driver with SATA controller switched to AHCI mode first.
  • Unofficial fixpak for eCS 2.0 and 2.1 -- Unofficial Fixpak 1 for eCS 2.0 and 2.1

Installation, Known issues:

  • Downgrade OS2KRNL is going test ACPI 3.14 .. 3.18 (it's easy install other kernel via eCo Market, .wpi packages)
  • Switch SATA controller to Compatible mode (via BIOS Setup). Later try switch to AHCI driver.
  • If the PC hangs, works slow or .. then disable USB controllers
  • Other known issues

Visual Roadmap of eComStation development

2011-10-23 02:39:53 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Drawing the map of eComStation development. What way to select? What is the priority of tasks?

Example: What will happen after USB stack update?

Every user and developer can send us small roadmaps (sequences) about other driver or sub-system.

Think what is the goal, what is the current state and how to archieve the goal (step by step)?

Suggestions how to improve User Interface

2011-10-11 19:50:51 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eComStation.ru site contains several texts discussing how to improve the user interface of eComStation (russian texts):

Corporate IT to allow eCS computers?

2011-09-27 20:31:21 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/eComStation/message/86392]

Neil Waldhauer have initiated a disсussion in eComStation yahoo group

This morning there is an interesting article in the New York Times.

IT departments are allowing employees to buy their own computers and bring them to work. www.nytimes.com

I imagine that you can now bring an eCS computer to work and use it at these companies. This is a pretty big change, and paints a pretty black picture for Microsoft and companies like HP and Dell. Actually, Microsoft will probably pull through; they've got the technology even if few people are currently using it.

For my part, I've brought an eCS computer to a corporate network, and found that some things work (where the latest Firefox is important) and some don't (where a solid SAMBA implementation would be needed).

Update eComStation today

2011-08-30 03:23:38 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

What is the reason to migrate to eComStation 2.0? or eComStation 2.1? If eComStation is your main system then we recommend always use the latest version, it includes all new features, drivers and extenders. Reviews of eCS 2.0 and 2.1 (russian texts)


For eComStation 2.0 and 2.1 users:

File Open Container is updated

The dialog FOC aimes to pick up files was updated, homepage of the project. Whatsnew: improved compatibility with old popular apps, the dialog of Lotus SmartSuite WordPro is replaced, some bugs were fixed, UI is improved. How to install FOC - there is a package in BETAZONE. How to activate FOC in eCS 2.1? focdlg /I
How to update FOC - upate eCo Software runtime


Fixpak for eComStation 2.0 / 2.1

Unofficial Fixpak 1 for eCS 2.0 and 2.1

We have released unofficial fixpak for eCS 2.0 and 2.1 - download and install via eCo Market. The fixpak includes unicode dll for SMP (improves stability of large apps), tcpip32 dll for SMP (imroves stability of large apps), new system utility sysinfo shows system info.

USB drivers

Basic USB drivers are updated, install manually. The development continues, test on your computer. If you have a problem, you can contact the developer and help him debug the drivers for your hardware.

Building a case for eCS 2.1 on the ashes of the WebOS (and HP Touchpad)

2011-08-23 16:52:27 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [Craig Miller, http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/eComStation/message/86277 ]

Craig Miller (USA) posted the message to the group:

The Touchpad firestorm sale that HP has started has also caused an unseen consequence on their software sales. From reading the posts at PreCentral, there is more traffic on their site and software then ever before. In the article: "The accidental userbase", software developers are seeing as much as 70% more sales!

But lets look at this for a second, we all know these sales are because the Touchpad is $100.00 right now (16BG model), instead of $499.00 where it first started. You cannot find one really, if there is a store that has one, they will be gone in ten minutes. This is telling me people wanted the Touchpad but the price point was too high.

But what will happen in two weeks after all the Touchpads are gone and all the new users have had their full of apps? No one knows actually, but what happens if in two months people are still buying programs? Does this mean there is a base of active users that are growing the WebOS environment? I believe it does.

This got me thinking then, what would happen if Mensys sold eCS for $25.00 a copy? If anyone of you read OSNews days after eCS 2.0 was announced, many, many people were interested in buying the OS, but not for $127.00. I can't blame them actually, I look at it this way, I like the Haiku OS but I would never buy it for $127.00, actually not for $50.00. Not because I am not interested, but the value is hard to justify if you are going to use it as a hobby OS. Now for $25.00, that makes me pause for a few minutes and possibly buy it, this is because anything at $25.00 or lower can be considered an impulse buy with no or almost no buyers remorse.

What if though, Mensys, tried this out, possibly making a version 2.5 of eCS and testing out the waters with $25.00 per copy, and you only get one copy, not 5 copies like now?

So the math would be that every five people would equal one sale. Normally, you don't want this, if you can sell one product of $127.00 and deal with one person, you surely want to do this over $25.00 for five people and have to deal with five...well people. But with eCS this is different, because we are trying to grow the user-base, because this will be the only way our community can survive in the long run.

And what if it works? Let's say it grows the eCS user base by a factor of five. This would be huge and possible unrealistic, but if it did, then new people are using, buying, programming, and telling others. Even Mensys can slowly bring the up afterwords (version 3.0) after "hooking" all these people with new updates they don't want to be without. Things can start moving, programmers can make money, eCS can get more software, the circle is renewed.

It's just a thought, since I see this with the WebOS right now. What are your thoughts? I have also posted this on the Bluenexus (www.bluenexus.net) site.

Craig Miller, www.bluenexus.net

eComStation Turns Ten

2011-07-17 02:13:35 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eComStation 1.0 was released in July of 2001.

You can post a message to the wall dedicated to this event: eComStation turns 10 What are the achievements? What do you expect?

eComStation: some questions and answers

2011-06-30 03:00:03 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

1) What CPU do you recommend? Intel multi-core, usually you have less troubles with IRQ conflicts, because such CPU can work in SMP APIC mode (more than 16 IRQ available)

3) All users are registered at ecomstation.com, not all are using Software Subscription on eComStation. How to check is it activated or not? If you can login to Mensys.nl -> Log In -> Downloads -> Software Subscription -> and download files, then your subscription works fine. If you paid for SSS but can't login then contact your reseller and make him resolve the problem.

4) It's not enough to read eCS news and buy software, the users must write reviews of the OS and applications. Any official text/ review - is an advertisement. Your independent point of view is the only way to attract new users to the system.

5) After eComStation install it is recommended install eCo Market catalogue - we expect load it with additional packages so you get access to 200 the most popular applications.

Run benchmarks on your eComStation PC

2011-06-30 01:52:02 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eComStation.RU is interested to reward a user(s) which can make some benchmarks:

TEST A: Comparison: HPFS <> JFS filesystems

  • Hardware: modern HDD, SSD disk,
  • Tests: OpenOffice start, boot of OS, copy files, remove files, create files. thousands of files.

TEST B: Comparison: Danis506 <> AHCI driver

  • Hardware: modern PC, HDD <> SSD
  • Tests: boot of OS, copy files, remove files. thousands of files.

TEST C: Comparison: eComStation native <> eComStation inside VM

  • Hardware: Core i3/i5/i7
  • Boot, compilation of programs, ..


  • You can create some utilities, use the utilities from Hobbes / eCo Market.
  • Mention the model of PC (motherboard, CPU, ..)
  • file operations: large files (.iso files), small files (thousands of small files)


  • compare the drivers, filesystems
  • we are going draw and publish the results and graphics

Contacts: web-form (coordinator: Joseph Shrago)

Reward: 3 testers x 20 EURO to your eCo Market account {20_EURO;eCoSoft_ONLY;2_years}

Find eCS neighbour with your language

2011-06-23 21:59:03 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Current version of eComStation 2.1 is available on english and german languages. What is the demand on other NLV versions?

Do you need more versions of eComStation? Dutch (under construction), Japanese, Danish, French, Italian, Swedish, Spanish, Finnish, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese?

Here is a basic roadmap:

Step 1: Find other user in your country. Publish information about you: post a message to the comments of this message. (don't publish e-mail but add reference to your homepage)

Step 2: Translate applications based on LANGE library (you need FileCommander to enter .nls file = .zip file, edit simple lines of text, send the results to the developers)

Step 3: What other system component or utility are you interested to translate?

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