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Open Source and OS/2

2002-08-22 17:38:54 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Yuri Prokushev published first article (russian language), describing OS/2 Open-source projects. Welcome to discussion of this topic.

Your ideas in our forums

2002-08-17 14:51:11 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Visitors of our site keep ideas and suggestions in our forums. We collect all ideas and will take them into consideration. Term of introduction depends on your activity.

eComStation 1.1 development

2002-08-10 14:32:43 -- Oleg N Gololoboff [VOICENWS, Roderick Klein]

There is being worked hard on the next release of eCS. You can see some screenshots of the new installer here.

Please note, all things/look can change.

The GUI Gallery

2002-07-13 14:20:26 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [#os2russian]

Here is a collection of GUIs of all operating systems. IBM OS/2 Warp is presented too. Does anybody want describe eComStation for this site?

OS/2 market in exUSSR

2002-07-10 23:36:06 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Software market in exUSSR is undeveloped, so we spend time helping our people take a job related to OS/2, distribute native OS/2 software products among local users.

OS/2 in pager communications

2002-07-09 16:04:54 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

OS/2 is successfully used in communications centers in some cities of Russia. Here is a short story about pagers (russian text) and a list of references to other resources in the Internet.

We collect eCS and OS/2 solutions here (russian page). Send us a story about OS/2 usage in your office or plant and we will publish it :) and translate russian solutions to english.

OS/2 for Cosmos

2002-07-09 00:39:02 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

OS/2 is useful for complex simulation tasks in real-time, creation of presentable work places for maintenance personnel and astronauts.

Here is a story about succesful usage of OS/2 in training complex for astranauts (russian text).

ATM in Russia and Ukraina

2002-07-03 03:14:51 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We start publishing of articles related to today`s usage of eCS and OS/2 in industry.

The first short story talks about ATM devices in Russia and Ukraina (a device which you use to get money from credit card, russian text only).

Send us description of solutions of your company and we will publish it.

eCS and OS/2 solutions (details)

2002-06-29 19:27:51 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We got many overviews and suggestions, but we implore you to check spelling and grammar before sending solution description to us. Send photos in jpg format and screenshots in gif format, please.

OS/2, eCS solutions

2002-06-26 18:29:50 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We start collection of successful stories of OS/2, eCS usage. Some stories and facts are under construction. It's a nice chance to advertise your company and hardware-software solutions. Contact us if your are interested to prove OS/2 superiority.

It's time of JFS. Second part

2002-06-21 17:10:35 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

More details about JFS (russian text only). How to win IBM and make eComStation users happy.

Shipments of eCS/Rus!

2002-06-19 01:21:05 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [eCS/rus project]

First shipments of eCS/Rus are planed to the end of june. Information about eCS/Rus products is published in eCoShop (sorry, but eComStation.Ru is non-profit informational resource).

View of eCS/Rus box:

Additional information:

Full list of eComStation distributors and resellers is published here.

Forum for the eCS and OS/2 community

2002-06-12 19:10:46 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We remind that there is a discussion group related to discussion of eComStation. This forum was created for the eCS and OS/2 community to provide feedback as to what they would like to see included in this new client to make it the best desktop client for eBusiness.

This is not the official support forum for eComStation. For that, please go to the news server at news.ecomstation.nl and download the newsgroup list.

eComStation/Rus 1.05 is released

2002-06-05 11:17:07 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [eCS/rus project, Eugene Gorbunoff]

The first version of eComStation adopted for russian users is released. The status of product is official and it is developed in collaboration with Serenity Systems and Mensys companies. Specification of the product, conditions of distribution and press-releases of producers will be published in the next few days.

It's time of JFS

2002-05-30 19:39:02 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Pavel Shtemenko recommends use the JFS file system. In the interview (russian text) he describes features and advantages of the system, talks about process of data recovery if problems occur.

eComStation downloads available on CD

2002-05-10 02:02:26 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.com, Buck Bohac]

For those who have slower connections or for anyone wanting a local copy of the files, a CD with all the available downloads, fixes, and upgrade protection files is now available. You must be a registered eComStation owner and have purchased Upgrade Protection to purchase the version of the CD with Upgrade Protection files including the latest SmartSuite upgrade. All registered eComStation owners can purchase the drivers and fixes CD. More details read here.

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